Diploma Programme

The International School of Helsingborg invites you to the IB – Diploma Programme and an education for a better world. The Diploma Programme is ideally suited to students that wish to pursue an academic programme that opens doors for university studies in both Sweden and abroad.

Michael McAneney – Diploma Programme Principal.
Michael McAneney – Diploma Programme Principal.

Apply to the IB Diploma Programme

The International School of Helsingborg is open to all students who have completed Grade 9 in Sweden (grundskola) or have similar qualifications from another country. Apply as you would for any programme in the Swedish educational system. Your grades from ‘9th grade’ combined with entrance tests in Mathematics and English, along with an interview, are the entrance requirements.

Read more about our Application procedure on the Admissions page

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Meet the students

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Typically, around 50% of our students in DP have studied the MYP at our school with the other 50% coming from Swedish schools or abroad. We have approx. 140 students attending the DP. Our DP Campus (Gymnasium) is located at Studievägen 2, and is an excellent choice for all students, Swedish or International, looking to further their studies abroad or in Sweden once they graduate.

We Model Action to Inspire Action

Have you ever asked yourself how your dreams that started at home could impact your community, your country and the world? How can you intelligently approach the challenges that face a global society? How can you act locally to improve your life and the lives of others? These are the type of questions that IB students ask every day. At the ISH Diploma Programme we help you turn these questions into answers.

At ISH we believe learning has no boundaries. The IB Diploma mission is to provide you with a foundation to be successful in life and to achieve your best in whatever you choose to do. The IB Diploma program does not follow one pathway e.g. natural sciences or economy. Rather, the program allows you to choose the subjects that you are most interested in or that you need to study to enter university. Each student has the opportunity to personalise their Diploma.

Gymnasie curriculum – Middle Years Programme 5 (Year 1)

The MYP 5 year prepares students for further studies of the IB – Diploma Programme. Students from the Swedish school system will improve their spoken and written proficiency in the English language while studying a broad range of subjects. During the first year, the school emphasizes learning of the English terminology within each subject. What matters most is your eagerness to practice English and refine your use of it in written and spoken form. In addition to English, most Diploma students continue to study Swedish, sometimes in combination with learning a third language like French or Spanish.

In the spring term, students choose six subjects to study for the IB –Diploma Programme.

Gymnasie curriculum – Diploma Programme 1 and 2 (Year 2–3)

The two-year programme is academically challenging and balanced. It leads to an IB Diploma, which is recognized as an indicator of academic excellence and accepted by universities and other higher educational institutions worldwide. Students study subjects, one from each of the six subject groups: three studied at higher level and three at standard level. In addition there are three core elements that are compulsory and central to the philosophy of the IB – Diploma Programme: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and participation in CAS (Creativity, Action, Service). Each of these Core elements of the IB allows you to channel your passion for academic and personal growth.

The IB Diploma in 6 subject areas

Students choose 3 Higher Level (240 hours of study) and 3 Standard Level subjects (150 hours of study), one subject from each of the subject groups. Group 6 Visual Arts is an elective subject at ISH, and students who do not choose to take Visual Arts can choose their 6th subject from the offerings in Groups 1, 2, 3, or 4.

  1. Language A – Higher Level and Standard Level: English A Literature, English A Language and Literature, Swedish A Language and Literature, Self-taught A Literature Standard Level.
  2. Language Acquisition – Higher Level and Standard Level: English B, French B, Spanish B, Spanish ab initio, Swedish B.
  3. Individuals and Societies – Higher Level and Standard Level: History, Economics, Psychology.
  4. Science – Higher Level and Standard Level: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Systems and Societies Standard Level.
  5. Mathematics – Higher Level and Standard Level: Analysis and Approaches, Applications and Interpretation Standard Level.
  6. The Arts – Higher Level and Standard Level: Visual Arts.

IB Diploma Grade Calculation

6 Subjects, maximum 7 points per subject: 6 x 7 = a possible 42 points.
3 points possible for combined attainment in the IB Diploma Core Subjects, Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. Total possible points: 45 (A minimum of 24 points are required to achieve the IB Diploma)

After International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International School of Helsingborg has an excellent international college placement service, resulting in many of our students continuing to further their education abroad. If students wish to qualify for further study in Sweden they must choose Swedish A at DP. Alternatively, Swedish language qualifications can be studied at Komvux. Further information is available on ibo.org and antagning.se.

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) makes a concerted effort to track and communicate the level of recognition, for IB programmes, in countries around the world. For further information see the IB Country recognition statements.

Where have ISH students pursued undergraduate and post-graduate degrees?

  • Lund University.
  • Chalmers, Gothenburg.
  • Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Karolinska Institute.
  • Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
  • Kings College, London.
  • SOAS, London
  • University of Edinburgh.
  • St Andrews, Scotland.
  • University of Glasgow.
  • Trinity College, Dublin.
  • University of Amsterdam.
  • Harvard University.
  • And many more!