Helpful Links
Here are some useful links with short summaries of what each site is for.
Many of the sites listed below provide the option to see the site in other languages. If the information you want is not provided in English, Google translate can help to give you some understanding.
Feeling bad?
- Psykiatriska akutmottagningen For psychiatric emergencies
- Psykiatri Skåne Psychiatric help for children (BUP – child and youth psychiatry) and adults
- Blå kamelen – To prevent and counteract, at an early stage, physical, psychological and social problems among youth (13- 20 years). Urine samples for drug analysis are often offered in cases of drug problems.
- Ungdomsmottagningarna i Skåne – For youth (12- 23 years) for questions about relationships, sexual health and contraception.
- Sjukvårdsrådgivningen – 1177 – Advice on healthcare from the county and region
- Socialförvaltningen i Helsingborg – stöd till barn och unga – Social Services reception is for anyone who needs to talk or needs help.
Other support
- Helsingborg city – Information in other languages on transport, health care, working in Sweden and a lot of other things too.
- BRIS – Support line for children and adults who need information and / or advice on issues affecting children and young people.
- RFSU – National Association for Sexuality Education. A non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization to spread knowledge and open views on cohabitation and sexual issues.
- RFSL – The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights
- RFSL Ungdom – The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights – support for youth.
- SLUTA-RÖKA-LINJEN – Support and advice on how to quit smoking
- Ätstörningscentrum – Region Skåne – The center for help with eating disorders.
- Barn som anhöriga – Help if your parents feel bad
- Kuling – A meeting place for those who have parents with psychiatric illness
- Föräldrastödet – Support for parents of children 6 – 12 years
- Dynamis familjebehandlingsteam – stöd till föräldrar – Support for parents of children and youth 0 -20 years
- Familjerådgivning för Helsingborg, Landskrona och Svalöv – Family counselling, psychotherapy, and sexological counselling.