How we process your personal data

The City of Helsingborg processes your personal data when you use our services or when you are in contact with us. Below you will find a description of how the City of Helsingborg processes your personal data.

The City of Helsingborg’s organization includes both municipal committees and companies. Each committee and company is responsible for processing personal data lawfully and correctly within their organization. This means that the committees and companies are data controllers under the GDPR.

Lawfulness of processing

When we process your personal data we follow applicable law. Processing means that we collect, store, or take any other type of action with your personal data. We process only as much information about you as we need and we take necessary measures to protect your personal data.

You have the right to know what personal data we hold about you, see more about your rights below.

How do we get access to your information?

You provide us with your personal information when contacting the City of Helsingborg, for example if you apply for a building permit, childcare, education, financial assistance or if you email us, contact us via social media or use any of our e-services.

The City of Helsingborg may also obtain your personal information through other channels. We may obtain information about you from other public agencies or from the Swedish Tax Agency’s records. We use information about you that we obtain from the Swedish Tax Agency, for example, to ensure that we always have your current address on file or to check who has custody of a minor.

What data is processed?

The City of Helsingborg processes personal information about you, such as your name, email address, phone number and address, and in some cases also your personal identity number, so that we can contact you. But you may also provide us with, or we may request, other types of personal information about you in order to, for example, make a decision in a case/matter that concerns you or your child.

What do we use your personal data for?

The City of Helsingborg processes your personal data for various purposes, for example:

  • to answer your questions, for example when you contact Helsingborg’s Contact Center or other parts of our organization,
  • to handle and make decisions in cases/matters concerning you (exercise of public authority),
  • to be able to provide good service when you use our services,
  • to be able to receive and handle complaints or other comments from you,
  • to fulfill legal obligations, for example disclosure of public documents under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act,
  • to fulfill our contractual obligations towards you, for example when you buy Helsingborgs Kulturkort or book a wedding at City Hall,
  • to provide the public with information about our activities through different channels, such as websites and social media,
  • to send different types of newsletters concerning our activities,
  • to send notifications by text message (for some of our services), for example when a student is absent from school.

When do we have the right (legal basis) to process your personal data?

The City of Helsingborg has, for example, the right to process your personal data if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, if it is necessary to carry out a task of public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the City of Helsingborg. We also have the right to process personal data if it is necessary for the performance of a contract that we have entered into with you. Additionally, we may process your personal data if you have given us your consent.

If our processing of your personal data requires your consent, you will receive clear information about what it is that you agree to, and how to proceed if you wish to withdraw your consent.

Who can access to your personal data?

Your personal data is handled by the City of Helsingborg and sometimes by its data processors (such as companies that provide the computer systems that we use). We only disclose your personal data to third parties if it is required by law, in dealings with other government agencies such as supervisory authorities or courts, and in order to protect our own or any third party rights.

Information may be transmitted to private entities in the educational, social services and social care sectors, where the company needs the information to carry out services for the City of Helsingborg.

If you use social media like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, to communicate with the City of Helsingborg, information and personal data is always transmitted to a third party (i.e. the company / organization that operates the social media). For your own sake, we therefore recommend you not to send sensitive information to us via social media outlets.


Read more about how we process your personal data by CCTV.

Transfer to countries outside the EU/EEA

Transfer of your personal data to countries outside the EU / EEA will only take place if the European Commission has decided that the country concerned has an adequate level of protection or if the transfer is subject to appropriate safeguards under the GDPR.

Public records

Please observe that any document submitted to the City of Helsingborg becomes part of public records and may as such be accessed by the public. The former does not apply to parts of the document that are considered confidential in accordance with the Public Right to Information and Secrecy Act. We always assess whether a document contains confidential information before we disclose it based on a request by the public. Read more about public documents.

How long do we keep your data?

The City of Helsingborg follows The Archives Act (1990:782). All municipal committees and companies have document management plans that specify when public documents containing personal data can be culled (discarded).

Your rights regarding your personal data

You have the right to know what personal data we hold about you. You can make your request using our e-service or submit a written request by mail. In order to ensure that we provide the information to the right person, requests not made using our e-service must be signed and contain your name and personal identification number.

If you believe the data we hold about you is somehow inaccurate or irrelevant, you can request to have it corrected. In some cases, we may also be able to delete information about you, but we cannot delete information included in public documents or documents that have been archived.

If we have consent to use your personal data for any particular purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This means that we cannot continue to process your personal data for the purposes covered by the consent, however it does not affect the lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred before you withdrew your consent.

If you want to make a complaint about how we process personal data you can contact the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen), which is the supervisory authority responsible for monitoring the application of the GDPR in Sweden.

Security of your personal data

The City of Helsingborg constantly works towards taking the appropriate technical and organizational measures required to protect your personal data.


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If you want to contact us

If you have questions about how we process your personal data, you can contact Helsingborg Contact Center by phone 042-10 50 00. You can also email  or contact the appropriate part of the organization directly.

If you want to contact the Data Protection Officer for the City of Helsingborg, you can send an email to You can also contact the Data Protection Officer through Helsingborg Contact Center by phone 042-10 50 00, or by writing a letter to:

Helsingborgs stad

251 89 Helsingborg